[R56E02] Cut Out at IDRF 2018

This episode of Radio 56 is a live recording of a dramatic reading by MES 56 at Indonesia Dramatic Reading Festival, November 2nd, 2018. “Cut Out” is a site-specific performance script by artist Riyadhus Shalihin, telling Indonesian art history from the late 20th century to 2017.
Radio 56 is a podcast series by Ruang MES 56 resonates the activities, atmospheres and music mixes from the events organized by Ruang MES 56 and its wider communities and networks. Initiated by Raymond Grenfell, an internship student from Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
Readers: Edwin Roseno, Wok The Rock
Sound design: Vandy Rizaldi
Visual (distributed on a WhatsApp group): Arief Budiman
Script: Riyadhus Shalihin
IDRF 2018 curators: Muhammad Abe, Rebecca Kezia
Recorded and mixed by Vandy Rizaldi
Photo: Kurnia Yaumil Fajar