Inspirited by rare sound and visual archive material, REMANENCE entwines memories of a forgotten 1930’s women’s anti-war movement.

In 1981, two researchers recorded the accounts of several members of a pre-war pacifist and feminist movement formed in the Netherlands. By the time of the recording, all were in their eighties. These women’s experiences, both intimate and political, highlight a history of internationalist struggles against rising fascism and its recapitulation of patriarchal norms, drawing a connection with feminist struggles across the world. There remain few records of this history, whose actors were forced to destroy or burn any and all evidence likely to incriminate them. Ultimately, Remanence chooses not to fetishize the archive, emphasizing instead the reverberations of memory—and in doing so, perpetuates it.
—Antoine Thirion

Bioskop 56

Ruang MES 56
Jl. Mangkuyudan No 53A
Mantrijeron Yogyakarta

Friday, 12-07-2024
19:00 WIB

2024, film, 22 min
Indonesian Premiere

Sabine Groenewegen is an award winning filmmaker and artist. Her work has been shown in film festivals and art venues internationally including Doclisboa, FIDmarseille, ICA, and BOZAR. Her experimental feature film debut Odyssey won the 2018 Doc Alliance Selection Award for Best Film, it was screened at FFD Yogyakarta last year. Her short film Remanence premiered at Cinéma du Réel at Centre Pompidou this year. In June 24, she co-facilitated the Counter Archive: Fictional Healing filmmaking workshop at the Malaysia Design Archive in Kuala Lumpur.

#bioskop56 #ruangmes56 #SabineGroenewegen #remanence